Sunflower Collection Update 3

(Written in Nov. 2021)

So, I thought about what else I wanted to add to this new collection that I am working on, and I thought about washi tape. I got a little nervous about the thought of adding washi tape to this collection since I had never designed a washi tape before. So part of me was ready to trash the idea because I was sure I was gonna mess up something, but I bit my nervousness and ended up designing a washi tape.

Yesterday, sent off the file to the manufacture, and I am hoping that they turn out decent. The minimum that I could order was 10 rolls, so hopefully, you see why I want them to turn out good.

When I thought about the washi tape, I also thought about all the money that I am putting into this collection. This is a collection that I personally care about a lot because the sunflower is a flower that is very close to my heart. But, again, when I think back to all the money I am spending, trying to get mockups/samples, and to all the time I am spending, I get nervous, anxious, and sad.

I’m trying not to be because working on all this stuff is making me so happy! Like, I am having fun designing stuff, and seeing the sunflower I made fills me with joy. But, when the day settles down, I just start thinking and thinking. What if this is another thing that I wasted money on? What if no one cares enough to even check out the items when they’re up? What if I’m wasting my time? These thoughts just keep popping up, ya know…

But I’m not going to stop working on this project… Yeah, over the years, I learned that I have a hard time giving up on stuff that I already started (trust me, that’s both a good thing and a bad thing). But I already started this, and I’ll continue to work on it until I release it on Jan. 28, 2022.

Yeah, sorry about making that last part sad. I didn’t mean to, but at least you’ll understand some of the feelings I’m feeling while creating this collection. Also, don’t worry! I’m feeling great! Sometimes, I just need to release some negative stuff to make room for the good stuff. ⭐Don’t worry! I have stubborn hope within me!

-Rachael A.


Sunflower Collection Update 4


Entry 02