Entry 02

(Written in Oct. 2021)

Anyway…here’s to me making a website!

I hope you like it and have fun looking through all the stuff I have on here. Oh, and to my brother: Thanks for nagging at me about why I should have a website. I didn’t appreciate it, since it was still morning, but I appreciate that you sort of challenged me because we both know I will do something if someone says I can’t (in this case, the person saying I can’t do this was me). So really, maybe I should be thanking myself for the decision to make a website, huh.

This is the second day of me working on my website. Things are slowly coming together and I am getting a feel of how I want it to be.

I added a new page, which was “Feed”, and I think that I am satisfied with the pages I have.

Though, I really need to start working on my classwork. I spend the last two days working on my Etsy shop and creating marketing. Plus spend time making this site. Come on. I just want to spend all day working on my business, but I can’t. So, I’m gonna have lunch, watch two or three (depending on how I feel) episodes of a show, and then start my readings.


Sunflower Collection Update 3


Entry 01