Day 14: Please Forget The Story

(A short story made for day 14 of my 2023 Halloween Prompts)

If there was ever a story my parents never talked about, it was the night they officially got together. Over the years, they had slipped small details about their faithful night. Though, later down the line, those details that slipped turned out to be a lie or an exaggeration meant to fill in gaps in their unspoken love story. At this point, I don’t even know why they brought up snippets of their time before us if they were gonna lie.

However, one time, after my dad had been pouring himself into old family tapes, he stated that if he could, he would never want to relive the night. He caught himself when he realized I was in the room and scrambled to conjure up a reason for his wording, but as I looked at him hurt and confused, he slowly let the bags under his eyes sag as he slipped another tape into the multimedia player and sunk into his lazy boy chair. Mumbling under his breath about how I was old enough to start learning the truth.

The tape was black for a few seconds. However, a random static appeared at the edge of the screen before a news segment popped up. A man in a small leather brown jacket spoke into an old microphone, standing before a large tree with water flooded around it.

“It was here tonight that another victim was found. Police requested that camera crews be set up after the scene had been cleared, as yet again it appears to be a gruesome animal attack. Officials are unsure of the animal haunting the area, but they warn resistants to be on guard and stay inside as much as possible. “

The news switched to another view; this time, it was a young police officer. Her dark hair was tightened in a seamless bun, and her uniform was without any wrinkles. Seeing Mom in an officer uniform was definitely a surprise, as all my life, she has only ever been a cashier, scanning items and packing bags for eight hours straight.

“We want to first highlight that these attacks are not normal. They were made with the intention to hunt, not eat. Due to this, we have concluded that this animal is sick. Residents should not, under any circumstances, come in contact with the animal.” Mom’s gaze shifted nervously between the multiple cameras in front of her before looking back down at a sheet.

“Secondly, animal control, the animal predictably group nor the police department have been able to identify the animal stalking the area; however, if any animal, be it domestic or not, is showing unusual signs, we first ask you to get to safety before reporting the animal to 911. We know this will inconvenience many animal owners, but we humbly request that you work with us if we are called out; that way, we can eliminate the type of animal causing pain to our beloved community. Thank you.”

The man in the leather came back, speaking with someone off-camera. The screen moved slightly to the left to take in the crime scene or at least the parts that weren’t shrouded in darkness. Vaguely, a red glow simmered in the water surrounding the tree whenever a passing car hit the large puddle just right.

“Okay, we just got news that a suspect has been taken in. Due to multiple witnesses saying that this man had been lingering near the fresh crime scenes of this investigation, police have taken him into custody to figure out a connection with the attacks. If there’s any at all. Back to you, John.”

Then the tape went black again for a few seconds before the films of Mom and Dad during their brief dating phase played. Throughout them, you noticed that Dad was exhausted, much like he was now, and Mom did her best to linger very close to him.

“You know I love you guys, right? You guys are my world, and I’m proud of all you’ve done, but soon, you’re gonna be taking up your mom’s role one day, and honestly, that’s the best life I can ever want for you guys. I’m glad you guys took after her than me.” Dad droned on before the exhaustion got the better of him. His head tilted to one side, and only his snores filled the room, blocking any sounds the tape played.

My eyes widened as even more confusion set in, but did my best to ignore the loving, rambling dad spilled out and lingered back to the bulky TV. A clip of your mom kissing dad’s cheek played with anniversary décor shattered around. Over the faint cheering from off-screen family members, your mom smiled and whispered something into your dad’s ear as she gripped his shoulder. Something she did whenever she wanted him to act a certain way.


Something I Need To Do More


Day 7: Beyond Our Understanding