Entry 03 - Updates
Okay, I have not been updating this blog as much as I wanted, but I want to change this. So, as the first blog that I have done in a while, I will do some updates about a variety of items.
I just finished another semester of classes, and I found out during this semester that I have one more semester to go until I complete my bachelor’s degree. I can’t believe that I’m almost done! I didn’t expect to finish this fast, and now I have to think about what my step will be. I am considering pursuing a master’s degree. However, I have no clue what I want to do. So, for the next couple of months, I’m going to be spending a lot of time thinking about my future.
Etsy Shop:
Etsy has been pretty quiet lately, but this is not new. For this time of year, it’s pretty normal not to get orders. Though I won’t lie, it is discouraging not to get orders because my brain loves to associate not getting orders with not being good enough. Damn brain, making me feel bad. But! I am trying to think positively. The reviews and messages I’ve been getting on Etsy lift my mood. Recently someone left a sweet, heart-moving message. She made me so happy and shared an important experience with me about her order. It’s those moments that I live for! I still can’t believe that my art makes people happy.
In order news, since things are slow right now, I am focusing on bettering my photos and improving SEO. I am also working on improving my marketing photos and learning from other successful Etsy sellers.
(note: if you sell on Etsy, I highly recommend checking out Starla Moore on YouTube. As she is someone who helped me understand more about running an Etsy Shop).
Other Info:
There isn’t much going on now in my personal life. It’s the same as last year. Though my depressive moods have gotten better. I experienced some depression back in March (I think I don’t remember), and it was hard to get myself to do stuff. But I managed to get through it, and now I feel a bit more motivated to improve. Plus, I’ve been absorbing the small daily moments of life.
Like Yesterday, I got to spend time with my brothers. Even though one of them was annoying and throwing fake squishy worms at me. (But the memory makes me smile now). I also saw scattered clouds recently. Scattered clouds make me happy, but what would be nice is some rain. I’m hoping that it will rain soon. Anyways, things have been going the same in my small bubble.
Thanks for reading!